Now is the time to setup your plugins
All in One SEO Pack
From dashboard, go to Settings -> All in One SEO Pack.
Home Title: your Wordpress Blog Title (exp. Playstation World).
Home Description: your Wordpress Blog description (exp. Playstation Service Guide | Playstation Games Review | Playstation Tips & Trick | Spare Parts & Accessories).
Home Keywords: your Wordpress Blog keywords.
Give a check mark on the following option:
From dashboard, go to Settings -> XML-Sitemap.
Give a check mark on the following option:
Basic Option:
I think you can do this by your self :). Just go to Manage -> Backup from your dashboard.
- Rewrite Titles.
- Use noindex for Categories.
- Use noindex for Archives.
- Use noindex for Tag Archives.
- Log important events.
From dashboard, go to Settings -> XML-Sitemap.
Give a check mark on the following option:
Basic Option:
- Write a normal XML file.
- Write a gzipped file.
- Rebuild sitemap if you change the content of your Blog.
- Notify Google about updates of your Blog.
- Notify MSN Live Search about updates of your Blog.
- Notify about updates of your Blog.
- Try to increase the memory limit to= 32M.
- Try to increase the execution time limit to= 10.
- Build the Sitemap in a background process.
- Include Homepage.
- Include Posts.
- Include Static pages.
I think you can do this by your self :). Just go to Manage -> Backup from your dashboard.
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